How do you use foregroundStyle or background to add blur effects in SwiftUI?

In Xcode 13 you now have access to a variety of blur effects also known as "materials". Materials are one of the 5 categories of styles that can be applied to views using modifiers such as foregroundStyle and background. The 5 SwiftUI Styles Categories include: Color Gradients Materials Hierarchal Semantic When you apply a material to a view, you have a choice in how transparent and blurred the view is. Here are 6 materials available to you: ultraThinMaterial thinMaterial regularMaterial thickMaterial ultraThickMaterial bar Here are some examples of how to apply these materials to different views: Text("Apply Styles To Text")     .bold()     .foregroundStyle(.thickMaterial) RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)     .padding()     .foregroundStyle(.ultraThinMaterial)     .overlay(Text("Shapes").bold()) Image(systemName: "paintpalette.fill")     .font(.system(size: 150))     .foregroundStyle(.regularMaterial)     .overlay(Text("Images").bold()) Are you new to SwiftUI? Go here to get a free SwiftUI Views Quick Start book. Note: These examples come from a book called SwiftUI Views Mastery which is a picture book reference of SwiftUI views and code that’s almost 1,000 pages. Interested in beginning SwiftUI? Start with the free SwiftUI Views Quick Start picture book!